An interesting place you have been to recently?R: I went to punta de choros in the summer. C: I go to the beach in the summer. I go to Algarroboand it's was very funny.
An interesting person you have met?R: I met new friens of my friends. C: I met a lot of people(a girlfriends) in Algarrobo andin the school, the new partners.
What you would like to do when you get older?R: Work in the job that I like.C: When i grow up i will married with childs and aprofessional man.What you would like to learn in the future?R: Everything I have to learn in the UniversityC: I like to learn how to be a better person.A frightening experience you had when you were young?R: When I got lost in the supermarket.C: My parents hit me.A person you like to spend time with?R: With my grandparents.C: With my cousinsAn exciting experience you had?R: Going to DisneyWorldC: When I went to MexicoA favorite pet?R: My dog MerlotC: My rabbit BetoSomething you like to do when you have free time?R: I like to cookC: Playing footballA place you would like to visit in the future?R: TahitiC: BrazilA person you would like to meet some day?R: Benjamín VicuñaC: Carlos VillanuevaA person who has influenced your life?R: My momC: My sistersSomething you have never done but would like to do?R: goin to a cruiseC: bungee jumpingSomething you have done but never want to do again?R: Get in the extreme fall in fantasilandiaC: Breaking a seatAn experience which made you laugh?R: Went to visit a nursing home.C: When I went to build houses to "Un techo para Chile"An experience which made you cry?R: The earthcuackeC: With the earthcuacke of HaitiWhat you would do if you had a million dollars?R: I will travel around the worldC: I will buy a football teamWhat you would do if you were President of yourcountry?R: I will do something about the transportation problemsC: I will do it the best I couldA gift you could give others?R: Something they needC: A SmileA gift you would like someone to give you?R: SeamonkiesC: A X-Box 360A special talent you have?R: CookingC: Playing football
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