
lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011

Can we help you?

1.- Problems with your parents, school and friends. I ask to my friends. Yes I do. Yes it is.
2.- Find teenage problems. Advices
3.- 1 with "not a football hero"
2 with "bigger boys"
3 with "no free time"
4 with "no privacy"
a) A with " no privacy"
B with "not a football hero"
C with "no free time"

1) Sailor
2) Except
3) Share
4) Mess
5) Noise
6) Pick
7) Including
8) Threaten
9) Muscles
10) Inquisitive
11) Disturbed
12) Attractred
13) Appreciates
14) Neighbour

lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011

Today's work

1.- Argentina : July 9th
2.- Peru: July 28th
3.- Brasil: August 25th
4.- Bolivia: August 6th
5.- Ecuador: August 10th
6.- Colombia: July 20th
7.- Paraguay: May 15th
8.- Uruguay: August 25th
9.- Costa Rica: August 30th
10.-Cuba: May 20th

1.- Bolivia
2.- Ecuador
3.- Venezuela
4.- Argentina
5.- Chile
6.- Colombia
7.- Mexico

1.- LatinAmerica has 20 countries

1.- No
2.- Haiti: French and creole haiti
- Brasil: portuguese
- Paraguay: Guarani

domingo, 12 de junio de 2011

On Father Eladio Mozas Santamera is who was the founder of the Congregation of "Hermanas Josefinas de la Santisima Trinidad"

Eladio Mozas Santamera born and Baptized on February 18, 1837 in Miedes ofAtienza village on the edge of the Sierra de Pela, Belonging to the province ofGuadalajara and the Diocese of Sigüenza. The liturgy Recalls the February 18 SanEladio, archbishop of Toledo. Her Parents are Jose Martinez and Monica MozaSantamera Serrano.
At 11 I Began His studies at Eladio seminary of San Bartolomé de Sigüenza.
In December 1862 I Received a Doctorate in Theology from the Universidad Central deMadrid.
Ordained priest in April 1865 and it Belongs and the Diocese of Plasencia.
In this city has an intense life as a priest. Was pastor, seminary professor, CanonPenitentiary and spiritual director of the Augustinian Recollect Sisters of Serradilla WhoRuns 549 letters high literary and theological and mystical beauty.

When creating the congregation of our school, your first religious, was the sisterMargaret, who helped him in all his works, over time many more have joined in religiousand so was formed the great congregation that is now, with schools and presence inseveral countries of America and also in India.

lunes, 6 de junio de 2011

What is the best part of being a teenager?

The best part of being a teenager, I think it is, the fact still have time to go and study at this age, you can do both without major problem. Another thing I like is that they no longer depend on both of my parents or my grandparents or someone higher in general,not so much as in childhood, I q is the right age to enjoy worry free, because I have topay bills, pay for college, work and do not think at this age, get married and raise afamily, I think is the right balance between freedom and school concerns, regardinggrades and behavior at school. but something that is not good for this age, I feel that myparents, I understand, the elderly in general, they do not understand I want to leave or doother things, but to study. But anyway, I think this is one of the best stages of life, alongwith children, because in childhood, I should not worry about anything, but that playingand having fun, so I think those two are the best times.

domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011

Who is the greatest singer? Give reasons why

In my opinion, the best singer in the world and of all time is Freddie Mercury, hisincredible voice and presentations with queen are awesome. Although it is homosexual,Freddie Mercury has always been a leader among the youth of the time and I value a lotlike the Queen, represented by Freddie Mercury could relayed from generation withincredible songs such as Bohemian Rhapsody, Killer Queen, Somebody to Love, Do not Stop Me Now, Crazy Little Thing Called Love, which captivated many people, but to my taste, the best song by Queen with Freddie Mercury is "We Are The Champions".Something that few know is that Freddie Mercury, not really called that, the real name ofFreddie Mercury was born Farrokh Bulsara and the September 5, 1946 in Stone Town,Zanzibar (now Tanzania). During his lifetime he was widely recognized and followed byfans and even after his death, people continued to love his idol.

According to his partner, Jim Hutton, Freddie Mercury would have AIDS diagnosed in1987, but Freddie Mercury, died November 24, 1991, of bronchopneumoniacomplicated by AIDS.

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011

02/05 Vocabulary

*Accommodation: a room, building, or space in which someone may live or stay.

Ex: Find an accommodation in the capital is not cheap.

*Affluent: wealthy.

Ex: Ver affluent people go to that store.

*Arouse: provoke to anger or other strong emotion.

Ex: Controversial ideas on origins of life arouse strong emotions.

*Bewilder: perplex or confuse.

Ex: The show was bewilderig.

*Arrogant: having an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.

Ex: Jose Mourinho is a very arrogant person.

*Compel: : to drive or urge forcefully or irresistibly

Ex: Illness compelled him to stay in bed.

*Impose: to establish or apply by authority.

Ex: The judge imposed a life sentence.

*Lenient: merciful or tolerant.

Ex: Many people felt that the punishment was too lenient

*Novice: a person who is new to and inexperienced in a job or situation.

Ex: He's a novice in cooking.

*Overt: not secret or hidden.

Ex: That person i overtly religious.

*Coerce: persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats.

Ex: religion in the past has tried to coerce the irreligious

*Prudent: acting with or showing care and thought for the future.

Ex: He always listened to her prudent advice.

*Scapegoat: a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings or mistakes of others.

Ex: companies often use the economy as a scapegoat to avoid taking responsibility for dropping sales

*Superstition: excessively credulous belief in and reverence for the supernatural.

Ex: It is a common superstition that a black cat crossing your path is bad luck.

*Supplement: something that completes or makes an addition.

Ex: the supplement to the encyclopedia.

*Apathy: lack of interest or enthusiasm.

Ex: People have shown surprising apathy toward these important social problems.

*Dismay: to cause to lose courage or resolution.

Ex: Her choice of career dismays her parents.

*Endeavor: try hard to do or achieve.

Ex: They endeavored to create a government that truly serves its people.

*Frugal: sparing or economical as regards money or food.

Ex: a frugal meal of bread and cheese.

*Mercenary: a professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army.

Ex: an army of foreign mercenaries

*Naive: lacking experience, wisdom, or judgement.

Ex: a naive belief that all people are good

*Stringent:(of regulations or requirements) strict, precise, and exacting.

Ex: <stringent rules against unauthorized persons being in the building

*Alluring: powerful attraction or fascination.

Ex: was so allured by his sister's college roomate that before long he was asking her for a date

*Ample: enough or more than enough; plentiful.

Ex: They had ample money for the trip.

*Bicker: argue about petty and trivial matters.

Ex: after a prolonged bicker, they finally managed to find a movie that both of them were interested in seeing

*Blend: mix and combine (something) with something else.

Ex: The music blends traditional and modern melodies.

*Avert: turn away (one's eyes or thoughts).

Ex: He sped up and averted an accident.

*Candid:truthful and straightforward; frank.

Ex: He was quite candid about his past.

*Erratic: not even or regular in pattern or movement.

Ex: so far your effort to land a summer job has been veryerratic

*Isolate: place apart or alone; cut off.

Ex: These policies will only serve to isolate the country politically and economically.

*Destiny: the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person in the future.

Ex: They believed it was their destiny to be together

*Diminish: make or become less.

Ex: The strength of the army was greatly diminished by outbreaks of disease.

*Exempt: free from an obligation or liability imposed on others

Ex: organizations exempt from taxes.

*Query: a question, especially one expressing doubt.

Ex: alteration of earlier quere, from Latin quaere, imperative ofquaerere to ask.

*Patron: a person who gives financial or other support to a person, organization, cause, etc.

Ex: She is a well-known patron of the arts.

*Bogus: not genuine or true.

Ex: It was just a bogus claim.

*Adroit: clever or skilful.

Ex: She is adroit at handling problems.

jueves, 14 de abril de 2011

Your Favorite Superhero!

1.- Write about 4 superheroes you like ?
-Human Torch

2.- Why do you like these Superheroes ?
-Batman: We like this Superhero for his car
-Human Torch: We like this Superhero because he is crazy and it's free
-Catwoman : We like this Superhero because is beautiful and original
-Superman: This Superhero it's tipical but is cool

3.- Which Superpowers do they have?
-Batman: He doesn´t have superpower but is special for us
-Human Torch: He can warms his body
-Catwoman : She has catlike reflexes
-Superman: He can fly and have super strength


lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

Grammar practice 2

2) At 12.30 on Saturday she's having lunch with Marta
3) At 7.00 on Saturday she's seeing a film
4) At 9.00 on Sunday she's studying for the test
5) At 1.00 she's having lunch with her grandparents
6) At 8.00 she's meetiing Ana

2) My father isn't seeing the bank manager today. He is seeing him tomorrow
3) We aren't having a party on Friday. We are having a party on Saturday.
4) You aren't spending a day on a canal boat. You are spending a week
5) Linda isn't having a lunch at 12.30. She is having it at 1.00.
6) My brother isn't having a driving lesson today. He's having it tomorrow.

2) Ok
3) She is seeing the dentist in two days' time.
4) Ok
5) Are you going camping next summer?
6) Ok
7) My brother is flying to Paris in September.

Hi Emily.

This summer my family and I are planning to travel through France and Spain by car. We are driving to the south coast and then we are taking the ferry to the north of France. We are planning to stay in the north of France for a few days and the drive through France to Spain. We are staying in Bilbao for one night and then we're driving to the south of Spain. After that, we are crossing the Straits of Gibraltar and we are spending one night in Gibraltar. I am going sailing when we're there. I can't wait! What are you doing this summer?

Email me and let me know
See you soon

lunes, 4 de abril de 2011

Todos los gestos cuentan una historia

Cuando pensamos en lenguaje y comunicación normalmente pensamos en hablar. Pero nuestros gestos y movimientos, en otras palabras nuestro lenguaje corporal, dice mucho más de nosotros que nuestras palabras. El lenguaje corporal también nos dice lo que otros están pensando y sintiendo también.

Un psicólogo experto dice que las palabras son un 7 por ciento de las de nuestra comunicación, mientras que el 93 por ciento son de señales silenciosas. Los niños lo entienden naturalmente, pero nosotros crecemos el cambio de énfasis hacia las palabras y perdemos la habilidad de recoger estas señales silenciosas. Los adultos son muy buenos para decir cosas que no necesariamente quieren. El lenguaje corporal trabaja junto con el lenguaje verbal, pero a veces ambas con contradictorias. Por ejemplo, la gente puede decir que esta de acuerdo contigo, y al mismo tiempo inclinando su silla hacia atrás y apoyándose lejos de ti. Distanciándose físicamente de ti, en realidad están expresando desacuerdo.

"Algunas personas son extremadamente buenas mintiendo con el lenguaje corporal", dice el psicólogo. Por ejemplo, los políticos aprenden a usar ciertos gestos para crear una buena impresión. Pero no son tan exitosos como esperan. Antes de creer lo que ves en la cara de una persona deberías moverte hacia atrás para ver todo su cuerpo. Lo más lejos que estés de su cara más verdaderas las personas se ponen.

Algunos gestos faciales, sin embargo, los hacemos instintivamente. Por ejemplo, las pupilas de nuestros ojos se dilatan cuando nos atrae alguien. Mucho del lenguaje corporal lo hacemos inconscientes. Si queremos usar y entender los gestos con éxito, necesitamos estar conscientes de ellos y de sus diferentes significados. Vigilar nuestro lenguaje corporal en nosotros y en otros nos ayuda a comunicarnos mejor. Si aprendes a descifrar y usar bien el lenguaje corporal se te dará tan fluido como el lenguaje verbal.


1) Usually
2) In other words
3) Too
4) Make up
5) Comes from
6) Shifts
7) Knack
8) Contradictory
9) Tilting
10) Actually
11) Disagreement.
12) Liars
13) Right
14) Truthful
15) For instance
16) Dilate
17) Unconsciously
18) Be aware
19) Watching out
20) Decipher

Meaningful gestures
1) I don’t know
2) Everything’s OK
3) Good luck
4) You are worried
5) You are losing your tempe
6) You are embarrassed
7) Yes
8) No
9) You are worried
10) Hi
11) How do you do? /Goodbye
12) Catch attention
13) Desinterest
14) Not paying attention
15) You are crazy

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

Make a story !

Once upon a time there was a group of people  celebrating that Brad has graduated from college, there was his family and also his friends. They were in the best  restaurant in town having their meal, and Brad order his favorite dish fried fich with french fries. He was really happy of graduating because he wasn't sure that he could make it. Every one was really happy about it.

When they were having dessert something weird happend, the lights sudenly turn off and everything was really dark, no one could see a thing. In the middle on the dark everyone heard a really scary noise, was a woman screaming, Brad didn't know what to do, so he stayed siting there.

No one moved a finger until the lights turn on five minutes later, and every one stand up of their sit asking what happend, Brad's friends wanted to leave, but his father didn't let them, something happend and they haved to fing out what was it.

-Is someone missing? - the father ask.
-Annie! I can't find Annie! - Rachel, one of Brad's friends of college, scream.
- Annie? Annie! Annie! - Everyone said.

Almost everyone stand of their sits and start looking for the missing everywhere, under the tables, in the bathroom and the kitchen, but they couldn't go out because the doors were closed.

Annie Jones was a medicin student in Brad's college, they met because they had friends in comun , like Rachel, she was a very healthy and nice girl, she did charity work and no one knew of a bad habit of her.

What happend with Annie Jones? That was the question without answer.

-Calm down! I already call the police! But no one can leave this restaurant until they get here, we are all suspects - Brad's fathers said to the crowd of scared people.
- George! Their is a young girl missing! And you are asking us to calm down! I don't think thats posible - Brad's mother repond.

30 minutes later the police arrived to the restaurant, they register every person in the place including the suff from the restaurnant, like the chefs, and waiters, and the other custumers, they have no idea of what was going on. 

Brad was worried about Annie, she was a great person, and she was is friend, so he decided to understand who could kidnap her. He went to talk to Rachel ( Annie's best friend and roomate).

- Hi Rachel, how are you?
- How do you think I am!? Annie is missing and there is no clue of what happend to her!
- Cam down! I'm just trying to understant what is going on, I want to help.
- Well, there is nothing you can do.
- Do you know if there was someone who was angry at Annie? or someone who didn't like her?
- No idea.

Then, the police let people go out, and no one loose the time, they were pushing each other in the door to leave the fast that they could.

Brad stays and ask the police if they had any clue of what happend to Annie, and they respond:

- Thats a secret of the state.
- Sorry?
- It's clasified information and unless you are the president or a minister you can't know.

Ok, what a mistery.

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011

Something to talk about

  • An interesting place you have been to recently?
  • R: I went to  punta de choros in the summer.
  •  C: I go to the beach in the summer. I go to Algarroboand it's was very funny.
  • An interesting person you have met?
  • R: I met new friens of my friends.
  •  C: I met a lot of people(a girlfriendsin Algarrobo andin the schoolthe new partners.
  • What you would like to do when you get older?
  • R: Work in the job that I like.
  • C: When i grow up i will married with childs and aprofessional man.
  • What you would like to learn in the future?
  • R: Everything I have to learn in the University
  • C: I like to learn how to be a better person.
  • frightening experience you had when you were young?
  • R: When I got lost in the supermarket.
  • C: My parents hit me.
  • person you like to spend time with?
  • R: With my grandparents.
  • C: With my cousins
  • An exciting experience you had?
  • R: Going to DisneyWorld
  • C: When I went to Mexico
  • favorite pet?
  • R: My dog Merlot
  • C: My rabbit Beto
  • Something you like to do when you have free time?
  • R: I like to cook
  • C: Playing football
  • place you would like to visit in the future?
  • R: Tahiti
  • C: Brazil
  • person you would like to meet some day?
  • R: Benjamín Vicuña
  • C: Carlos Villanueva
  • person who has influenced your life?
  • R: My mom
  • C: My sisters
  • Something you have never done but would like to do?
  • R: goin to a cruise
  • C: bungee jumping
  • Something you have done but never want to do again?
  • R: Get in the extreme fall in fantasilandia
  • C: Breaking a seat
  • An experience which made you laugh?
  • R: Went to visit a nursing home.
  • C: When I went to build houses to "Un techo para Chile"
  • An experience which made you cry?
  • R: The earthcuacke
  • C: With the earthcuacke of Haiti
  • What you would do if you had a million dollars?
  • R: I will travel around the world
  • C: I will buy a football team
  • What you would do if you were President of yourcountry?
  • R: I will do something about the transportation problems
  • C: I will do it the best I could
  • gift you could give others?
  • R: Something they need
  • C: A Smile
  • gift you would like someone to give you?
  • R: Seamonkies
  • C: A X-Box 360
  • special talent you have?
  • R: Cooking
  • C: Playing football