
martes, 27 de julio de 2010

In this web site, we
can see that there is a great variety of news, from sport up to
politics. Also the news is in the shape of video.

My opinion about
this web sities
My opinio brings over of this web site is
that it is a bit boring, is not showy to read, since it does not occupy
strong colors and is a bit untid.
What is rescued
of this page is the title of the diary, since it is a bit more

In this web site, we
can see that there is a great variety of news, from sport up to
politics. Also the news is in the shape of video.

My opinion about
this web sities
My opinion brings over of this web site is
that it is a bit boring, is not showy to read, since it does not occupy
strong colors and is a bit untid.
What is rescued
of this page is the title of the diary, since it is a bit more

English Publishers

1. Name 3 english plublishers especialized in english books.
a) Cambridge
b) Oxford
c) Macmillan

2. Name 2 books (per publish)
2.A Give a brief description.
2.B What kind of student is the book oriented to?

2: English in Mind 2A- Kids box1 Pupil's book (Cambridge), Cookie and friends - My friends(Oxford), Tip Top2 - Little Bugs 1 (Macmillan)
2.A: English in Mind: This book have a green cover, it's for students of secundary school.
its methodology is didactic, as it has many pictures and activities. It also features articles related to the subject.

Kids box 1 Pupil's book: This book present and practices through amusing stories and fantastic songs and activities. This book have a red cover.

Cookie and friends: This book it's a combination of
animated story, songs, games and activities for very young learners. This book have a green cover, with animal

My friends: This book is especially for primary school children, brings CD with songs, many games, and coloring.

Tip top 2:
This book is special for students in kindergarten, because it brings to their cognitive development activities, teaches the letters of the alphabet, etc.

Little bugs 1 :
This book is also for children in kindergarten, bring a dictionary colorful, and many educational activities, and a CD with songs in English

3.- ESL: It means "English as a Second Language"
EFL: It means "English as a Foreing Language"

4.- ESL is for us, because English isn't our foreing language.


-Saint Gabriel's School
-Nido de Aguilas international school of Chile
-The Mayflower School
-The Mackay School
-The British Royal School
-The Grange School

English Publishers

1. Name 3 english plublishers especialized in english books.
a) Cambridge
b) Oxford
c) Macmillan

2. Name 2 books (per publish)
2.A Give a brief description.
2.B What kind of student is the book oriented to?

2: English in Mind 2A- Kids box1 Pupil's book (Cambridge), Cookie and friends - My friends(Oxford), Tip Top2 - Little Bugs 1 (Macmillan)
2.A: English in Mind: This book have a green cover, it's for students of secundary school.
its methodology is didactic, as it has many pictures and activities. It also features articles related to the subject.

Kids box 1 Pupil's book: This book present and practices through amusing stories and fantastic songs and activities. This book have a red cover.

Cookie and friends: This book it's a combination of
animated story, songs, games and activities for very young learners. This book have a green cover, with animal

My friends: This book is especially for primary school children, brings CD with songs, many games, and coloring.

Tip top 2:
This book is special for students in kindergarten, because it brings to their cognitive development activities, teaches the letters of the alphabet, etc.

Little bugs 1 :
This book is also for children in kindergarten, bring a dictionary colorful, and many educational activities, and a CD with songs in English

3.- ESL: It means "English as a Second Language"
EFL: It means "English as a Foreing Language"

4.- ESL is for us, because English isn't our foreing language.


-Saint Gabriel's School
-Nido de Aguilas international school of Chile
-The Mayflower School
-The Mackay School
-The British Royal School
-The Grange School
1 bad post
New York Times
I find that this newspaper is good because it explains in detail the acts and views of different writers, there are good and alludan images to better understand the news.
the format of a news understands that and is easy to get news and has various applications besides the news is fast in plublic also appears infor about everything and is very anplia information.

New York Times
I find that this newspaper is good because it explains in detail the acts and views of different writers, there are good and alludan images to better understand the news.
the format of a news understands that and is easy to get news and has various applications besides the news is fast in plublic also appears infor about everything and is very wide information.

2 bad post

i find that this moment is very good and special that this week is a time of reflection and where one gets closer to the religion and this with the family gathered together for that especial moument in that must be met with one good and his family for those two things go with you all your life. And also one passes very well at school because there are religious celebrations and in the end there is holiday when one goes very well with the family.

i find that this moment is very good and special that this week is a time of reflection and where one gets closer to the religion and this with the family gathered together for that especial moment in that must be met with one good and his family for those two things go with you all your life. And also one passes very well at school because there are religious celebrations and in the end there is holiday when one goes very well with the family.